Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The House On Maple Street

The house on Maple Street was a very quiet, creepy place to see. The people that live there seem like decent people. They go around like everyone else, and they don't bother anyone. They do come around and hang out with  the neighbours, but there is just something about that house. When they go in it the door creeks like you'd never heard before. When someone goes into it, they don't come out for a very very long time. And when they do come out, they are never the same. They get all weird and sketchy. Stories have always been told about this house, but our is the worst. One day a fellow neighbour went for a nice visit, he walked in the door and all the lights were off.....except one. The downstairs light was nice and bright. So he gave a tiny knock and yelled "hello", nobody answered. He strolled on down the stairs when the light went out, and music started playing. Taping on the walls started, and it got louder and louder! As scared as he was, he kept going. He turned around a corner and for a quick second he saw two dead bodies, it was the owners of the house. For that one moment he seen the bodies, the next he looked up and got shanked and died.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Remote Helicopter

If someone used a remote controlled helicopter to smuggle me something to school I would have them bring me something good to eat, a pillow for class and a nice comfy chair. This would make me a lot more comfier in class and keep me full.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


I think they are saying how adventures monkeys are and how much they like to take a ride in a vechile, haha. But really I think they are saying that their aren't many pets that are monkeys, and they are all locked up in the zoo or something. They like adventure so let them free.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


If I could start a buisness I would open a autobody shop with my dad. It's something that my dad has wanted to do since he had started doing autobody, and if I could open a buisness related to that career I would. I would do this at my parents house in a nice big shop. We would be fixing cars, trucks, and just things that need repairing. We could start to buy cars that were smashed and fix them up / sell them. But the main buisness I would start would be a Dentist Office. This would be open around the city area, and would be in a nice building. Dentistry is something I would like to do when I am older, and if I ever do it, it would be in my own place type thing. I would hire a couple people to be the assistents, and etc. So yeah, that would be my buisness idea.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

My Personal Mission Statement

My personal mission statement - "To be a nice, friendly person, who just lives life the way I want to."

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Disrespect Rant (Good Copy)

Why do people have to be so damn disrespectful in this world? It’s rude, and wrong. For example, the hockey team I was on this past year. There were so many disrespectful people on the team. Everyone can be enjoying the game, and then one person takes a penalty. When that whistle goes they yell and swear at the ref. They do it to the point where the ref gets fed up, and kicks them out. The person that got kicked out doesn’t care about the rest of their team. It’s embarrassing for us. Especially in front of our home crowd. Guarantee they don’t appreciate it. I’m sure it embarrasses them as well.  

School and Life

I think the point this picture is trying to bring across is that in school kids are tidy and are being taught things for the future. Then during there life they won't care if they get a bunch of paint everywhere. They just want to get their job done. Not to many people take their painting skills from school out to real life. It's completely different than school. There you're just painting on a piece of paper or something, then in real life your painting walls, and etc. Then the whole point is there that they teach us the things we need in school, but not many people realize that.

Friday, 11 May 2012

What do you think you're capable of if you lived up to your full potential?

I want to get into dentistry when I am out of school and graduated. Its either that or and athletic therapist, they would both be really fun and great jobs to get into. I don't know what to say besides that.

Monday, 7 May 2012

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.."

People could have the time of their life during their highschool years, but then there are those ruts they will hit that it is horrible. During highschool people tend to develop more and more friends. They end up going to partys, and doing stuff with friends all the time. Then sometimes there are those moments when you are doing something with your friends that is fun, then someone does something stupid. Once they do that, you are usually magicely involved in their problems. You will also want to help your friends in situations that they need help in. Everyone always says enjoy your highschool days because once your 18 the fun will be gone. Highschool pretty much detemines how your career in going to pan out so you have to try hard and make the best of it.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Disrespect Rant (Rough Copy)

Why do people have to be so damn disrespectful in this world? It’s rude, wrong, and well like I said, disrespectful. The hockey team I was one this past year. There were so many disrespectful dicks on that team. They would just be playing the game when all of the sudden the refs arm goes up to give them a penalty. When that whistle goes you know what they do? They go up to the ref and swear and bitch at them. They do it to the point where the ref gets fed up with them and bang! They’re kicked out of the game. Do you think that the person who got kicked out thinks about the team members and how they feel about that? It’s embarrassing to be honest. Especially when you’re playing in front of your home crowd, supporting your town. That person who is being the disrespectful little prick doesn’t think about that. They don’t give a crap what people think about them. Everyone in the town feels a little disgust in their Arborg Falcon midget hockey group a little more each day, or year because of the fact of disrespect. I myself choose not to play on the team next year because I can’t stand the blaming, bitching, or just anything toward the refs, coaches, and players. Like really those people who did the disrespecting on the team didn’t just show it towards the refs, they show is toward their whole team, their coaches, their family, and even their community members. Grow up and have some respect for once in your life.    


Characteristics -

A rant is something where a person really dislikes the way something is or just it in general, pretty much something in which bothers them. During a rant the person just goes on and on about the same thing for a very long time, but they bring it up in different ways. What makes a rant unique is the whole idea of the person just speaking their mind about that one particular subject. They don't care if it bothers anyone else, it's their thought and they will speak their minds. The things that make a rant actually work are when the person speaks truthfully about the subject, then also they bring in different situations that help the rant get even better. Then there are the many thing that could make a rant bad. I'd say the main thing is when people are just going on about this thing, but they don't really know what they are talking about.

The topic for my rant that I'm going to use is the pet peeve I pointed out about the yelling at the refs. Its just disrespectful.

Pet Peeves

Pet peeves are something that people have when something bothers them or grinds their gears. Some of my pet peeves are when the people that your on a team with crab and crab to the ref, and then get a penalty or kicked out then we lose the game. Another pet peeve I have is when someone comes up to you and just slaps their hands on your hair and go at it. My number one pet peeve is when someone is talking to you about something that they think is so interesting, but really its not, go away.